Does Ultrasonic Record cleaning really work?
Simply: YES!
Why have your vinyl records professionally cleaned?
Ultrasonic Record cleaning – Vinyl records have static that attracts dust and other particles in the air, such as cigarette smoke, and can accumulate dirt caused by greasy fingerprints, mould, and mildew. Without cleaning this dirt away, you not only risk scratching the surfaces but can also damage the stylus.
Having your vinyl records professionally cleaned removes any in-ground dirt and prolongs their life. The quality of sound is improved exponentially, and you may even benefit from an increase in the value. We also now offer highly specialised cleaning for Acetate master records and the old Shellac 10″ 78s. Just enquire!
How does Ultrasonic record cleaning work?
It sounds like a strange way of going about things, but ultrasonic cleaning has long been used for cleaning things where dirt gets into nooks and crannies, making it difficult to remove. Basically, the object to be cleaned is immersed in a bath of water – often with an additive that breaks the surface tension of the water, helping it get all the way in.
Then a powerful ultrasonic signal is blasted into the water for some minutes. This leads to “cavitation” of the water near any surfaces.
That is, tiny bubbles of gas are formed. As they form and then collapse, they loosen the dirt on the surface. If you take your jewellery to a jeweller for a clean, there’s a good chance that the pieces will end up in an ultrasonic cleaner.
Does It Work?
Myth busted. Ultrasonic record cleaning doesn’t work – Again, this is false. Ultrasonic cleaning is incredibly efficient at removing contaminants when the optimal chemistry, cleaning cycle time, and temperature are used.
These factors require expertise. We have been optimising our process and laboratory grade deep cleaning fluids since 2007!!
The efficiency of our High end transducers affect both cleaning time as well as efficacy achieved during the cleaning cycle.

Will they look great?
The answer is yes! If we’re talking about improving the sound, well, as with all record cleaners, the answer is “yes and no”. It can do nothing for damage to the grooves, but it certainly cleans out dirt very efficiently.
The difference on playback will be obvious once the dirt is removed. If your records are already clean, there’ll probably be no change at all. However, even new un-played discs can contain contamination from factory additives such as mould inhibitors and anti-cake pressing agents. These discs can be quite noisy and benefit greatly from the 120Kh frequency sweep.
Take this 1954 Nat King Cole Single. It was heavily soiled with much surface scuffing but no deep scratches.
The recording below was taken before Ultrasonic cleaning:


Not perfect but for such an old scuffed disc it has improved dramatically!
Find out about our Professional Record services including Deep Cleaning, Warp Removal & Vinyl to Digital Services Or Ring Phil on Tel: 07368813756 for a friendly chat and advice!!
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